Monday, October 17, 2011

A Furry Visitor

An adorable kitten has taken up residence in our pines.  The same pines that my boys have dubbed their secret fortress. At first sight of her, under the leaves, the boys were frighten and came screaming out from beneath the trees. It was a humorous sight followed by great meows and the kitten taking off for the neighbors.  Once the boys realized it was just a kitten, they were smitten.  All three children can't get enough of this precious fur ball.  They have named her Midnight Moon.  Fitting name for a black kitten with white paws and nose.  The problem I have in making this feline a pet is that it's sickly.  I can imagine putting a bunch of money in this wee animal only for the thing to die on us.  That and the fact that we live on a very strict budget with no wiggle room.  I've been reminding them that this visitor is just a visitor.  Once the animal shelter opens tomorrow, I'll be on the phone making an appointment to drop it off.  Wish me luck, I think I might need it. 

Friday, October 14, 2011

Big News About Monopoly

Saturday, October 1, 2011 will go down in history as the day Little Man accepted Christ as his personal savior.  It's quite a story, a story that I will enjoy telling for sometime.  I was upstairs putting Little Lady to bed while the boys and Mister Man were play Monopoly.  My husband was winning and rubbing it in with big hoops and hollers.  When it dawn him that he was sitting on a great teachable moment.  He asked the boys what he wouldn't be able to buy with his fists full of money.  Our oldest piped up and said, "Heaven!"  So they spend some time talking about heaven and  knowing God on a personal level.  Mister Man asked if either one had asked Jesus to be their personal savior.  Little Mister, of course, said that he had and Little Man said that he had not.  My husband asked if he want to and was told, "After the game is over."  Who knew Monopoly could bring the unsaved to the loving hands of God.

Friday, September 30, 2011

I Did It, I Finally Did It!

Hello, out there! I am Jen, the Lady of the house.  Here are a few things you need to know about me:

1.  I am a flawlessly flawed 35 year old.
2.  I have been married for 14 years to Mister Man.
3.  If you told me before I had kids, that I would homeschool, I would have told you that you were nuts.
4.  I have lived in the same state for most of my life (33 to be exact.)
5.  We own the house my mother grew up in.

About a year ago, I was introduced to this thing called blogs.  I enjoyed spending time at the end of my day reading about others, so much so, that I thought about starting my own (It was more of a dream).  I kept making excuses why it wouldn't work.  And yet, I found myself making up names and things that I might share.  Mister Man would ask questions like," When are you going to start yours" or "That would be a great topic to write about".  I was getting close to narrowing down a name and had a multitude of ideas.   I told Minster Man about what I had been thinking, when he said," You should do it".  Without even thinking I started that Saturday afternoon.  I played around trying to get just the "perfect " look and there it sat for two weeks.  I just couldn't find the right words. I attempted it many times, I just couldn't write. So I made a goal for the end of the month.  I did it, I finally did it!  It took some time and a lot of deleting.  It's not perfect, but I can now say I started.

This is a reccurring problem in my life.  My middle school years, perfection hit hard.  If I couldn't do something perfect I wouldn't do it.  I wonder how many wonderful opportunities I missed out on.  Well not today!  I did it, I finally did it!